Bhakti yoga is a path of devotion to the work. one loses his identity while working, only selfless work remains. this state is very difficult to achieve. generally some rewards or incentives or outcome follows the work and one is attached to this reward or incentive. this is not karma yoga. non-attachment with the work and becoming the perfect instrument of the super consciousness in this manifested universe is the ultimate aim of karma yoga.
Jnana yoga is the process of converting intellectual knowledge into practical wisdom. it is a discovery of human dharma in relation to nature and the universe. jnana yoga is described by tradition as a means to obtain the highest meditative state and inner knowledge.
Karma yoga can be explained as ‘discipline of action’. according to Gita and Purana, karma yoga transforms a man towards perfectionism in his action. in other words, karma yoga is excellent for enhancing self-confidence and self-control.
Raja yoga mainly deals with the cultivation of the mind using the process of meditation to meet with reality and finally liberation. your mind or the psyche is considered the king of your entire physical structure. self discipline is the key component to control and purify a human mind. a strong blend of physical and emotional health is necessary to delve deeper into this form of yoga.